Friday, 20 January 2017

Traditional vs Modern Marketing and sales

Ever since the evolution of technology there are many things that has evolved too, from pull production of the shop floor to the online pull strategies. Everything has evolved and even regulated for instance the online sales are bided by the Buy standards online in India.
 If one is planning to start a modernized way of buying and selling things they can go for SAP press books as well, but here are some points that points the difference between the traditional and modern method of marketing.
  • Audience – In the traditional way of marketing your audience is limited to the geographical area you are serving to, and so you have to fetch the number of customers from there itself. But if you are into online marketing, then your geographical area has no limit, just like Amazon so one is catering to a huge number of audiences.
  • Reliable - people in India find the traditional way more reliable as only 10 to 12 percent of the Indian audience is into online purchases, due to online frauds they are hesitating to buy things online. So according to majority people the traditional way is more reliable.
  • Personal touch – shopping is one of the things that people would love to have a personal touch for, people like to touch the fabric and then choose one out of many, unlike browsing over the internet.
  • Ease and accessibility – the reach of the modern way of marketing is to your door steps so it is very easy to access and in the case of traditional marketing one has to go to the place all the way and travel out of their comfort zones to purchase which is not as easy at times.
  • Prices and bargains – Indian women are most use to bargain and buy things are cheaper rate then, however in your online purchases one cannot do that they have to accept the discount given or move on to another product, so the prices are lowered only if the company wants to.
These were the 5 major different points between traditional and modern methods.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

TQM and TPM, Japanese technique for efficiency

There are many techniques for efficiency in business introduced to us by the Japanese. There are many books available in the market just like six sigma books in India . These techniques are to improve the business in such a way that it benefits the customer and also result in the reduction of the business cost.
Since the operating cost of any business is the main there is TPM for every operator at different levels. There are many techniques for the overall business efficiency, the QEE for operator books are the best to know more about how to efficiently handle the production and equipments.
What is TQM?
The efficiency of TQM is measured on the basis of the total number of satisfied customers; this technique is basically focusing on the employees to make efforts to improve the process, the production as well as the service.  And the employees have to make sure that they focus on TQM activities like eliminating waste, minimizing inventories, to make sure things are done right at the first time and mainly focus on creating a culture that focuses on improvement only.
What is TPM?
TPM stands for Total production management; it is basically a technique which focuses on optimizing the uses of machinery and equipments.  The main objective of TPM is to improve the production using the machinery and simultaneously even boosts the morale of the employees and leads them to job satisfaction.  TPM has to focus on reduction in cost, product quality, maintenance of machinery etc.
Similarities between TPM and TQM
  1. Commitment by the employees is required for both the techniques to be carried on in the company, while some TQM is more of the mid level employees and TPM is of the management level.
  2. These techniques focus on employee motivation as they are empowering the employees to take action.
  3. Not only boosts the efficiency and builds the goodwill of the company but also increases the job satisfaction and security of the employee that they work in such a company.
So the Japanese techniques are enhancing the company’s corporate image and increasing the employee satisfaction simultaneously.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Seven basic quality tools of TQM

A Japanese technique that brings efficiency to the business and brings satisfaction to the customers is TQM, TQM stands for Total quality management. There are many TQM books in the market for reference and in depth knowledge.
There are many other books available online for bringing manufacturing efficiency in the company like cellular manufacturing books. These books help us to make optimum utilization of resources and even help us to reduce the cost and identify waste of the shopfloor.
What does TQM exactly mean?
Total quality management is nothing but a management approach to bring customer satisfaction and long term success to the company, it involves continuous strategy building by the employees to add on to the quality and make optimum utilization of the products. If the company is undergoing TQM at a regular basis, then the company is surely a customer oriented company.
Following are the 7 basic quality tools of TQM
  1. Customer focused – TQM’s main objective is nothing but to deliver a satisfied customer, the company may go to any level for this like constant training of the employees and upgrading the products and machinery for better results.
  2. Employee involvement – TQM is performed by the employees itself, this boosts the participation of the employees in a such way that they feel integral part of the company and work with dedication.
  3. Process centered- process thinking is the main part of TQM process, basically the series of things to be done for converting input into output.
  4. Integrated system – TQM is an integrated process as it inters connects many activities, only if all the activities are taken into consideration for TQM then the organization will get the desired results.
  5. Strategic and systematic approach – one has to develop strategies for TQM in a systematic way, as they have follow a series of processes in between which cannot go at any rate.
  6. Continual improvement – TQM is a continuous process and not a onetime activity one has to make sure that they regular perform it for constant good results.
  7. Fact based decision making – the decisions of the process and the strategies made for TQM are realistic as they are entirely based on the facts regarding the company and the output.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Principles and General Practices of the Kanban Method

Kanban is nothing but a scheduling system for lean manufacturing and Just in Time approach; this is just an inventory control system which enables the company to manage their supply chain. This is now used as a very effective tool for running the company’s production system. As this works on Just in time, there is no scope for wastage, nowadays Kanban for shop floor level has also begun to avoid any piling of stocks.
A very innovative example of Kanban is the three bin system; there are many more important techniques available in the market like five pillars of the visual workplaceOne of the main areas of any business which requires a complete focus is operations, if one wants to improve then they can focus on autonomous maintenance for operator’s methodology.
Following are the general practices of the Kanban method
  1. Visualize – a very important thing to be done is visualizing the required output by the company, and focusing on how to get it done using JIT, technique but for that you will need a strong supply chain.
  2. Limit Work in progress – work in progress is one of the parts which consumes the maximum amount and space of the business and incurs a lot of cost as well, so one must make sure that they limit their work in progress inventory.
  3. Manage the flow - the flow of the items at each stage should be monitored and measured from time to time and this is called as measuring flow, it helps to minimize risk and avoid the cost.
  4. Make explicit policies – Explicit policies are the best, so one must make sure that they hold deep discussions and conduct brainstorming sessions to come up with the solution of these problems.
  5. Implement feedback suggestions – there might be loop holes in every strategy, so using the Kanban technique one must implement the feedback and the suggestions given by the employees and fill in the loop holes of the production system.
So these are the 5 general principles of the Kanban method the companies should focus on.